Director Linda Carolan writes:

Yorktown was the site of a Western Days Celebration.  We took to the street to demonstrate clogging to those seated patiently on hay bales which surrounded the performance area.  It’s always a pleasure to perform for towns in the outlying areas of San Antonio.  We enjoy meeting folks and sharing a few words.   

Fire on the Mountain Cloggers participated in two events for the International Festivals and Events Association convention:  the grand opening ceremony at the San Antonio Convention Center as well as the entertainment for an elite dinner party at the Institute of Texan Cultures.  The opening ceremony included many different ethnic groups who normally participate in the Texas Folklife Festival.  Representatives from each group carried in flags of different countries in a choreographed routine.  Approximately forty different countries were represented. 


Another weekend found the Fire on the Mountain Cloggers hotfooting it from a very fun show at Ft. Clark Springs to an enjoyable performance for a tourist convention.  The annual festival at Ft. Clark Springs, in Brackettville, features old time crafts, living history demonstrations, chuck wagons, music and dance.  We especially enjoyed the wooden floor where the audience could hear every beat of our taps.  Later that evening the hour-long convention was a real hoot.  We interspersed dancing with tall tales of our adventures in Venezuela, Mexico and Germany.  In the photo at left Tommy and Sonya dip for the oyster, dive for the clam (an old time mountain figure) while Robin and Ron make the appropriate arch.


Let’s not forget the Helotes Cornyval.  There was entertainment galore, both corny and not, food of all styles (popcorn or corn on the cob, anyone?) and lots of amusement for both young and old. 


We love bluegrass music and so it was a special treat to be able to perform with The Ledbetters Bluegrass Band.  Dancing to live music is always a challenge, but (most of the time) we can keep up with the antics of the musicians.  We joined forces at the Arneson River Theater during the Irish Festival there.  We enjoy spending time with them.



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